Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Today when I saw my beautiful Stu laying still, strong and surprisingly not swollen I could feel a miracle in front of me.  He did something today that was so beyond anything I can comprehend.
Can you imagine?  Someone opens up your skull and puts sensors on you and tells you to read, listen and repeat and recognize information... I'm sorry, what?  You can't be serious?  Stu didn't flinch at the tests or the procedure. Both arms with iv's, more hair shaved that they really discussed, more blood draws that we thought would happen.  I keep wondering how I would deal with any of it, if I were in his shoes (ok, really I mean brain, but you get the idea)??
But you know what?  You all, with your imagery and your prayers and your mantras and your positivity made sure we had ourselves a bonafide miracle before us.   Today is a gift and I will absorb it into my soul and ride the high of it as long as I can. Stu fought and today he won!! I cannot explain just how I feel our connection to one another, but early this morning I was feeling scared and I texted our East Coast Cousins, our Dutchies, Uncle Bob to start praying... I could feel it!!!  Then around 6:20am I started to feel the West Coast prayers and support as you woke up, as Stu went to Pre Opp.  We are lifted up by you.  Thank you!!

Did I mention how very happy I am that he is out of that surgery?  He looks so amazing you guys!!    He is so beautiful and strong.
He is in ICU surprising the nurses with his "fight".  He plans to take up residence for a few days in a better room as soon as the ICU team deem it realistic. Tonight they will keep watch over him and I will sleep.  Tomorrow I will wake up early, you know to start praying early with the East Coast Crew, Uncle Bob and the Dutchies...

He will need to face many more MRI's and a biopsy in the near future.  We need you to pray, believe, visualization, Expect A Miracle: That the tumor is gone, that Stu continues to recover with a force unlike anything these doctors have ever seen, that the biopsy reveals a cyst that is totally manageable and non cancerous . Spend your breaks, your coffee sips, your bathroom breaks (hey, I'm not picky about this process!), lunch breaks, walks, runs and evenings over dinner imagining that this thing is nothing more than a benign growth and all is well now in his head.  See him healed completely!
Together we can support this great man, together with us... he will Stu!Fight!Win!!

Thank you for today.


  1. Well said, Sandi and we’ll done, Stu!! So many continued prayers headed your way!

  2. More power to that man. Stu!Fight!Win!
    It sounds like today went really well which is both a relief and a reinforcement of his strength and will to power through this.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  3. This is like the greatest thing I have ever read. We are sending positivity and prayers and love constantly. But guess what Sandi, YOU are the miracle that is going to bring Stu through this! Stay strong and so will he. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!!! -Mike, Lisa, Bethanny, Jonah, and Gabriel

  4. Lots of good thoughts coming your way...

  5. Sending peace and love
    The Snyder clan

  6. Excellent update. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

    Stu!Fight!Win!! !!!

    All our love

    Uncle Paul and Aunt Celia (from Israel)

  7. I will be praying from every time zone. Sending you and the family lots of love and hugs - Stacy

  8. Sandie -- I love your spirit and I love the great Stu news. We're sending our best. Go Stu!


  9. Stu is amazing and strong and so are you Sandi! You guys have a village and lots of love and positivity sending your way. Keep us updated when you can and we'll keep sending lots of positive energy your way!!

  10. Sandi - you are a rock star. And Stu is a bad ass super hero. You guys are turning a crappy situation into something beautiful and hopeful. I absolutely believe in miracles and if anyone is going to get one, it is you guys. A super hero married to a rock star. Unbeatable. Love you guys,

  11. Great news Sandi, and yes miracles do happen so keep fighting Stu soon all this will be over! Love from the Dellarroquelle’s

  12. Keeping you all in our thoughts. Good Stu and Team Stu!!!
