Thursday, April 25, 2019

Last Night at UCSF!! (Goal Achieved!!)

Stu woke up at 7:30am and impressed the Doctor so much that he feels Stu is ok to go home at some point tomorrow!!
For tonight and tomorrow Stu will be on the 8th Floor of the Long Building (L Elevator) room 835/Bed 1.

Stu is open to visitors, however we aren't sure what time he'll get his checking out. 
Send me an email early in the day if you plan to stop by so that I can keep you in the loop.


  1. So stoked to hear this!!!! Godspeed Stu!!!! Car's in the shop today or I would come bother you. Safe trip home and hope to see you when you're ready to party. ;) Love you all!!!!!

  2. So glad to hear the surgery went well and Stu can go home early!
